Please see our policy’s regarding the use of the Furitus fCloud .
The Furitus fCloud account is not the same account created in the JOIN US or STORE. This account is totally different from those accounts. You do not need a JOIN US or STORE account to have a Furitus fCloud account.The Furitus fCloud is only secure as your password. If you wish to try out the Furitus fCloud , click here and the USER ID is Guest and PASSWORD is Guest1@
The Furitus fCloud is backed up at 12:05 AM every day.
Special Considerations.
- Password must be reset an first login.
- Passwords must be reset every 120 days.
- No porn.
- No hate.
- No discrimination of any kind.
Any complaints of inappropriate content will cause your account to be deleted and all content destroyed or turned over to law enforcement.
See the policy for the Furitus fCloud here.
If you wish to apply to use the Furitus fCloud , click here Apply For Furitus fCloud .