
Pipe Organ at Macy’s Department Store Philadelphia Pennsylvania.

I had the opportunity to visit the Macy;s store in Philadelphia Pennsylvania. While I was at the store, I some how received a chance to view the massive pipe organ that resides in the Macy’s store. All I can say is what an incredible piece of machinery, (from and engineering stand point), and what an incredible musical instrument, (from a musical stand point)

In a nut shell this pipe organ contains about 38,000 pipes and occupies about 2.5 acres of space. The pipes are located on serval floors of the store. The air required to operate the pipe organ is applied by five 25 horse powered blower fans.

To keep this magnificent instrument in top operational condition, a crew of employees occupy a full operational work shop.

There is some major history behind they pipe organ, too much to put here but you can search the internet to learn more about Macy’e and the pipe organ.

If you want to see some pictures of the Macy’s pipe organ, you can find them on our events page.

Also I want to thank the gentleman who showed me the workings of this pipe organ. (I can not remember his name)

Thank you thank you thank you.